
Tuesday, 25 February 2014


I'm doing the 100 Happy Days challenge on Instagram, and thought I'd share my first 3 days! You can read more about the challenge here...

Day 1: Curing my jet lag on the sofa with candles, fairy lights and Buffy.
Day 2: Unwinding at the spa.
Day 3: Seeing my beautiful kitty cat and remembering how teeny he was as a kitten!

Louise xo

Monday, 24 February 2014

Mini Beauty Buy

The Body Shop | LUSH

A little trip to town today saw me come home with a pile of goodies from LUSH and two gorgeous lipsticks from The Body Shop. 

Brazened Honey is my favourite face mask ever. It smells delicious and is so cooling when it goes on (you have to keep it in the fridge so duh). And it leaves my skin soft, supple and happy in a way that no other face mask has ever done. A close second would be the thermal clay mask from The Body Shop, but as always LUSH takes first prize. 

In the lipstick love department, Body Shop have just won my heart. I got a delicious pale chocolate colour and a baby pinky-red shade that I'm dying to try out. They are more moisturising than the Topshop lipsticks that I adore and while the colour range isn't exceptional it's definitely enough to keep me coming back. 

Louise xo

10 Things I Want To Do

I'm incredibly jet-lagged following my 12 day trip to the United States and don't have a clue where to start when telling people about it. So instead of talking about my holiday, I wanted to list a few things I want to do more in my life now that in back. Some might seem trivial, but they say the best things come in small packages!

1) Drink more water. I don't drink enough water, and tell myself habitually that tea and coffee are assimilated into the body as water so it totally counts. Time to stop that nonsense and actually pick up a bottle of water (or three) every day and start using our water filter. Adding fruit is a good way to spice it up!

2) Read more. I read 8 books during our 18-hour flights and thousands of miles in the car, and have really got the book bug. My kindle has barely left my hand since we landed back on British soil. 

3) On that note, stop buying books I have no intention of reading just because they "look good" or make me look smart. Just read the books you love and love the books you read. 

4) Work out. I always say this when I get back from holiday but this time I'm serious. Armed with my new neon Nike Free Runs and a Seattle Seahawks shirt I'm ready to hit the gym. 1-3 times a week should do it to start. 

5) Restart a yoga class. I loved yoga, but the class I was taking wasn't for me. The instructor was a bit too hands-off and rarely went around correcting postures or offering tips, and that's what I need from a class to make sure I'm doing it right! My best friend and I have found one to start in Leeds, so next week it's on!

6) Deep breathing. This seems silly, but my anxiety, insomnia and depression are under control and I want to keep it that way. Taking five minutes to breathe deeply every few hours is hugely calming and good for the mind and soul!

7) Do more for charity. I give whenever I can, but I want to do and give more to te charities I feel passionately about. If I can afford a new pair of pastel orange River Island courts then I can afford to donate to a good cause. 

8) Write more fiction. My goal is 1,000 words a week to kickstart me back into regular writing instead of sporadic manic episodes. 

9) Lifestyle focus! No meat or fish, limited dairy, plenty of superfoods and it's time to invest in a smoothie maker. Limit beauty product consumption to ethical, vegan where possible, and don't buy excess amounts of crap that I will use once then ditch. 

10) Me-time. Make time for regular pamper nights every week, and try not to be disturbed. Turn off all phones, laptops and TVs and relax with no distractions. 

Louise xo

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Au Revoir, England!

And tomorrow, hello Seattle and the United States! Words can't express how excited I am!!

Outfit for the plane: muscle tee from Topshop, leggings ASOS, bag Primark. 

Louise xo

Saturday, 8 February 2014


A few photos I'm enjoying this evening. Now, go and have a wonderful night.
Louise xo

Lush's Love Locket

You simply cannot go wrong with LUSH bath products, but they have really excelled themselves this time. (Excuse the shades, from a shopping haul on Friday - oops.)

I've never used a locket bath bomb before, so the funky-looking girl behind the counter was happy to explain it to me. Rather like a real locket, if you open it up there's a treat inside. You break it apart (rather like smashing open a chocolate orange) and inside is a smaller heart-shaped bath bomb and a ton of heart confetti! 

It made the bath hot pink with a subtle bit of glitter, and my skin felt lovey and moisturised afterwards. The smell is sweet but not too sugary (a la Snow Fairy); more like a sherbert kind of scent. 

Delicious! And you get 3 baths out of it too, if you open it carefully!

Louise xo

Saturday, 1 February 2014

OOTD: Glam Grunge

My Saturday outfit of the day (OOTD) combined heavy metal necklaces, purple lips and leather leggings with polished nails and sleek hair. I did an ASOS haul the other day, and these leggings are even nicer in person than they looked online! I can't wait to showcase the other purchases on my Seattle trip!